Monday, July 8, 2013

Appalachian Adventure Day 5: Harper's Ferry to Suffolk, VA

Bridges and Tunnels....Oh My!

There are two things that I cannot stand, being above water (aka bridges) and being below water (tunnels, scuba diving, submarines), so when we headed to Delaware...

...I knew it wasn't going to be may favorite part of the adventure.

First we crossed the Chesapeake Bay Bridge in Maryland...

...which wasn't too bad since I had my eyes closed the entire time.

Soon after the big nasty bridge, we managed to find a local seafood cafe in **ahem** Princess Anne, Maryland.

We were treated to soft shell crab, crab cakes and hush puppies.

Then it was back on the road and headed toward the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel...

...a series of low bridges that plunge into the bay as tunnels from Cape Charles to Virginia Beach, Virginia.


...and tunnels

At least in the middle was a beautiful pier, and great resting spot.

Once my nerves were restored, we were back on the road to find a place to stay for the night.

We usually have good luck finding a decent, clean place to stay at night. Once or twice a trip we miss the "decent and clean" mark. Today was not one of our lucky days, but we survived what will forever be known as "The Feral Cats Hotel from Hell".
Not an actual feral cat from the hotel, but that's what they looked like. And that sound, all night long...

Fun facts

High gas price so far: $3.69 in Virginia
Low gas price so far: $3.15 in West Virginia
Today was: Cloudy but dry
Miles day .5: 303
Miles day 1: 566
Miles day 2: 518
Miles day 3: 164
Miles day 4: 128
Miles day 5: 354


  1. Princess Anne, MD - That's so much better than finding a store called "Steve's Liquor Store" over in Wisconsin.

  2. You found a liquor store named after you in Wisconsin - that's so cool!!


Please add a comment. We'd love to know what you think of our adventure and be sure to tell us if you know of something interesting to see in your area!