Saturday, July 13, 2013

Appalachian Adventure Day 10 Nashville to Iowa

Nashville was in our rear view mirror bright and early Saturday morning and we managed to get to St. Louis before noon. We made a quick stop in historic Hannibal, Missouri for lunch, but didn't have the time to visit the Tom Sawyer Caves that I remember from my childhood.

We "bombed it" the rest of the day and rode as far as we could before we had finally had to stop for the night.

We met our waterloo, oddly enough, in Waterloo, Iowa. When we checked the mileage, we realized we'd set a personal best record of 672 miles and celebrated as we sat down to a well-deserved meal and then a good night's sleep.

Fun facts

Low gas price: $3.07 in North Carolina
High gas price: $4.07 in North Carolina
Average gas price: $3.67
Today was: Sunny and perfect
Miles day .5: 303
Miles day 1: 566
Miles day 2: 518
Miles day 3: 164
Miles day 4: 128
Miles day 5: 354
Miles day 6: 363
Miles day 7: 330
Miles day 8: 171
Miles day 9: 315
Miles day 10: 672

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